May 7, 2013
VIRGINIA: The Pitts}�lvania County Planning Commission met on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, in the Gencxal
District Couruoom, Chatham, V�guua. Mz. Stowe, Cha�man, called thc meeting to ordex at approximately 7:00
p.m. Mx. Stowe called the roll.
Morris Stowe
Richaxd Modey
Janet Mease
Curtis Arthux
David Weatherford
Laxry Welbom
Jexry Hagexman
Odie H. Shelton, Jr.
Greg Sides
Dr. Charles H. MilleT, Jr.
No citizens came forward to speak.
Tunstall Distsict
Chatham-I3lairs llistrict
Callands-Grema District
Staunton River District
Westovex Distxict
Dan Rivex District
Boaxd of Superoisoxs Repxesentadve
Dircctor of Code Compliance/Zoning Admiiiistratox
Assistant Count�� Administsatox/Dixectox of Planning
Banistes District
;, modon was made by b'�. Motley, seconded by Mx. Axthux, and by unannnous vote the April 2, 2013, minutes
were approved as pxesented.
There was no Cha�man's Report.
approximatel}� 7:02 pm.
Planning Coiniiiission
May 7, 2013
Page 2
Case 1, Larry K. Warrick Sr., & Sandra B. Wartick, R-13-023 — Mr. Stowe opened the public heaxing at 7:02
p.m. I�ix. Shelton, D�ector of Code Compliance, reported that Laxry and Sancira Waxxick had peurioned to
xezone 12.7G acxes, loca[ed on Stare Itoad 876/Mangrums Road, in the Tunstall Flecdon Disrsict fxom R-1,
Residential SuburUan Subdicision District to r�-1, Agxicultural District to subdivide a lot for theic son. Larxy
Warrick was pxesent to xepxesent the petidon. He stated he wanted the pxopexry mzoned in oxdex to subdivide a
lot for his son to build a home, and he and his wife also wanted to build a home on the parcel and share a
dxiveway with his son. 1�1r. WaTrick also stated he has public water and public sewer. Thexe was no opposition
to the petirion. Mx. Stowe closed the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. Duxing rhe discussion, it was stated this is spot
zoning. A mouon was made b}' n1r. i�Iodcy, seconded by ;�1r. Welborn, to recommend the Boaxd of Superoisors
deny this mzoning case due to spot zoning in the area. I�'Iodon passed unanimously.
Case 2, J. Matthew Doss & Lori Martin Doss. R-13-024 — Mx. Stowe opened the public hearing at 7:12 pm.
1�. Shelton, D�ectox of Code Compliance, reparted that Matthew and Lori Doss had petitioned to rezone the
R-1, Residential Subuxban Subdivision Distxict poxaon of 40.69 acxes (appxo�nately 1950 acres), located on
State Road 879/Gordon Road, in the Callands-Uxetna Elecuon District to A-1, Agricultuxal Distsict to make the
paxcel one zoning designaaon to allow fox constxucuon of a swunming pool. blatthew Doss was present to
xepresent the petidon. He stated he had nothing to add and he was unable to make any improvements to his
home since his pxoperty is double zoned. '1'hexe was no opposition to the pention. :�Zx. Stowe closed the public
hearing at 7:14 p.m. A morion was made by Ms. Mease, seconded by Mx. WeatherEord, to recommend the Board
of Superoisoxs xezone the R-1, Residenrial Subuxban Subdivision District portion of the pxoperty (approtamately
19.50 acres) to A-1, A�icultuTal District Modon passed unanunously.
Case 3, Mavis Neal Brooks, R-13-025 — b1x. Stowe opcned the public heaxing at 7:15 p.m. Mx. Shelton,
Directox of Code Compliance, xeparted that Mavis Bxooks had peutioned to xezone 5.49 acxes, located on State
Road 685/Telegraph Road, in the Staunton Rivex Elecuon District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision
District to �-1, Agriculmxal Distxict fox a small �eenhouse. Kenneth Bxooks was present to xepxesent the
petidon. He stated he had nothing to add. William H. Recse, Sr., and William R. Fxanklin spoke in opposidon
to the petiaon. Theix concems included, but were not limited to, the following: 1'he amount of tsaffic and
parking on the adjacent parcels of land and thc reason why the propertp was bcing rezoned since the periuoner
akeadv has several structures on her propeTry being used as a gxeenhouse. Mr. Brooks offered a xebuttal and
stated the greenhouse is off the highway and the business was fox seasonal xexail sale of vegetables, flowers, etc.
1�1x. Stowe closed the public heaxing at 7:25 p.m. r1 modon was made by Mx. Arthur, seconded by Mc. WelUom,
to xecommend the I3oaxd of Supervisoxs deny this rezoning request because of the contro��ersy ovcr the
pxopexty. blotion passed unanunously.
Case 4. Withdrawn, R-13-026.
Case 5. Mecklenburg Electric Coo.perative, R-13-027 — b1x. Scowe opened the public heaxing at 727 p.m.
Mr. Shelton, D�ectox of Code Compliance, xepoxted that Mecklenbuxg �lectric Cooperative had petitioned to
xezone the A-1, Agxicultural Disteict poxrion of 0.64 acre (appxoximately 0.42 acTe) to R-1, Residential Subuxban
Subdivision District He then stated the peritioner had also xequested to mzone 0.08 acxe fxom A-1, Agxicultuxal
District to R-1, Residenual Suburban Subdivision District to make the parcels one zoning designation to be
combined with the adjacent paxcel of land zoned R-1 and to allow for construcdon of a new electrical poweT
substadon. He also stated the two paxcels of land, a total of 0.72 acxe, axe located on Statc Road 60G/Edmunds
Road and State Road 640/Renan Road, in the Staunton River Elecdon District. Brian Woods wich Mecklenburg
Electric Coopexative was presettt to tepxesent the perinon. He stated MecklenbuTg Electnc Coopexadve had
puxchased two paxcels of land fxom Mrs. Sue Hankins to combine �vith the paxcel whexe the substauon is
Planning Commission
May 7, 2013
Page 3
currendy located. He then stated the new substarion would be construcred to the south side of the e�sting
substarion that is appxoximately fifty (50) years old. Thexe was no opposition to the petition. Mr. Stowe closed
the public hearing at 730 p.m. During the discussion, it was brought to the attendon of the pedrionex that the
xezoning sign had not yet been placed on the propexdes. I1ie petitionex apologized and stated the sign would be
placed on the pxoperties iriixiiediately. 1\ motion was made by Mx. Arthux, seconded by Mx. Motley, to
recommend the Boaxd of Superoisors xezone the propecties fxom A-1, Agricultural District to R-7, Residential
Subuxban Subdivision Disuict blodon passed unanunously.
Case G, Michael Ray Puckett & Sunshine Dawn Puckett R-13-028 — Mx. Stowe opened the public hearing
at 731 p.m. Mr. Shelton, Director of Code Compliance, separted that Michael and Sunshine Puckett had
pedtioned to rezone a rotal of OJ8 acre, two (2) parcels of land, located on Poplax Road, in the Westover
Election District fxom R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to RC-1, Residenrial Combined
Subdivision llistsict for a child caxe seroice. Sunshine Puckett was pcesent to Tepxesent the pedtion. She stated
she had nothing to add. Thexe was no opposition to the pention. b1i. Stowe closed the public heacing at 733
p.m. A motion was made by I�1x. Weathexfoxd, seconded by� Ms. Mease, to rccommend the Boaxd of
Superoisoxs xezone thc properties from R-1, Residential Subuxban Subdivision District to RGl, Residenual
Combined Subdivision Distxict Monon passed unanimously.
This concludes the Rezoning cases.
Case V-1, Fairview Baptist Chutch, V-13-002 - Mx. Stowe opened the public heaxing at 734 p.m. b4x.
Shelton, D�ector of Code Compliance, reparted that Fairoiew Baptist Church had pedrioned fox a Variance on
4.14 acxes, located on State Road 686/Zion Road, in thc I3anistcr Rlection District to Secdon 35-182. Minimum
Yard Dunensions. (f3.) Side Setback, of the Pittsylvania Counry Zoning OTdinance xequesdng a vaTiance of 26
feet to allow for construction of a new church sanctuar}' and drive-under canopy�. Chxis Adcock with Re} nolds-
C1aTk Development, Inc., was pxesent to repTesent the pedtion. He stated a total variance of 19.5 feet was
needed far the drive-undez canopy. '1'heTe was no opposirion to the peririon. Mx. Stowe dosed the public
hearing at 736 p.m. A motion was made by b1r. Motley�, seconded by Mx. Weathexfoxd, to recommend the
Board of 'Loning Appeals gxant this Variance. Morion passed unanunously.
This concludes the Variancc case.
Thexe was no old business.
Thexe was no new business.
The meedng was adjoumed at approzcimately 735 p.m.
Morcis Stowe, Cl�airman
Kathy H. Belton, Clexk