03-04-2013 regular meetingRegular Meeting
March 4, 2013
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Monday, March 4, 2013
Regular Meeting
VIRGINIA: The Regular Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
was held on Monday, March 4, 2013 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R.
Shields Addition in Chatham, Virginia. Marshall A. Ecker, Chairman, called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present:
Tim Barber Tunstall District
James Snead Dan River District
Coy E. Harville Westover District
Jessie L. Barksdale Banister District
Jerry A. Hagerman Callands-Gretna District
Brenda H. Bowman Chatham-Blairs District
Marshall Ecker Staunton River District
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney,
Mr. Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development, and Ms.
Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the Board, were also present.
Ms. Bowman led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to approve the agenda
with the following addition, which would be moved to the Consent Agenda:
(a) Resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
concerning a bridge replacement on SR 676/Taylors Mill Road in the
Banister District.
Mr. Snead’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve the Consent
Agenda, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Consent Agenda:
(a) Minutes: February 4, 2013 – Regular Meeting
February 19, 2013 – Adjourned Meeting
February 25, 2013 – Joint Meeting of the Pittsylvania
County Board of Supervisors/Danville City Council
(b) Bill List – February 2013 (online)
(c) Proclamation – National Agricultural Day
(d) Region One –March 2013
March 17th – 23rd, 2013
WHEREAS, agriculture development in Pittsylvania County is one of the major
economic resources of the County and ranks in the top 10 of Agribusiness Counties in the
Commonwealth; and
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services suggests
this a perfect opportunity to give credit to the farmers of our state and county; and
Regular Meeting
March 4, 2013
WHEREAS, National Agriculture Week is an important celebration in Virginia
because agriculture is the Commonwealth’s largest industry that contributes $55 billion to the
state’s economy each year, and over $62million in agriculture receipts based on crops and
livestock in Pittsylvania County; and
WHEREAS, agriculture in the Commonwealth is a diversified industry with products
encompassing livestock, field crops, fruits, vegetables, poultry, dairy, aquaculture, vineyards,
and more; and the mild climate and rich soil of Virginia provide an environment in which
crops are harvested nearly year-around; and
WHEREAS, every Virginian should understand how food, fiber and renewable
resource products are produced and should value the essential role of agriculture in
maintaining a strong economy, and appreciate the role Virginia agriculture plays in providing
safe, abundant, and affordable products; and
WHEREAS, because only two percent of the population is engaged in production of
agriculture, basic knowledge about and experience with the industry is on the decline, the
Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation is sponsoring Agriculture Literacy Week to increase
knowledge about agriculture with reading programs to children in kindergarten through
Grade 2; and
WHEREAS, the 40th Anniversary of National Agriculture Day will be celebrated on
March 19, 2013; then
BE IT HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors that
the week of March 17th through March 23rd, 2013 be proclaimed “National Agriculture
Week/National Agriculture Literacy Week” in Pittsylvania County and all citizens of
Pittsylvania County are encouraged to thank a farmer for the products they provide which
enrich our daily lives and urges parents, grandparents, and educators to inform young
children on the importance of local agriculture and how it enriches all of our lives.
Mr. Michael Elliot, Vice-President of Operations for Centra Health of Lynchburg, and
Dr. Jim Friendship, Medical Director of Emergency Services for Centra Health of Lynchburg,
updated the Board on the Centra Health facility project being built in Gretna.
Hearing of the Citizens
Matthew Speck of the Staunton River District offered a word of prayer.
Elizabeth Jones of the Banister District made comments concerning ways to generate
revenue, and watching expenditures of the County.
George Stanhope of the Callands-Gretna District made comments on how the progress
of the Finance Committee thus far during the budget process and wished more citizens would
attend those meetings.
Richard Shumate of the Westover District made comments opposing how the County
spends money, opposed any tax increases, made comments on why he thought the Solid Waste
Fee should be eliminated, and comments that the Department of Economic Development and
the Department of Parks and Recreation should both be eliminated, and closed with comments
opposing any further development of the Mega Park.
This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
New Business
There were no recommendations from the Finance Committee, but the Committee did
announce that a Work Session meeting was set for Monday, March 11, 2013 at 3:00pm.
After a discussion led by Mr. Hagerman, Chairman Marshall directed Mr. Sleeper that
in the future, any employee traveling out of the County for a trip paid for by the County, with
the exception of travel for training, would need to make a presentation to the Board on the
anticipated cost of the trip and the trip’s expected outcome and once the employee returns, a
second presentation must be made to the Board of Supervisors on the actual outcome of the
Regular Meeting
March 4, 2013
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Harville, to audit the County’s
pay/classification plan and authorize the County Administrator to issue Requests For Proposals
(RFPs) for the audit to be conducted by professional services, which was unanimously
approved by the Board. During discussion, a second motion was made, this one by Mr.
Harville and seconded by Mr. Barber, for Mr. Barksdale to spearhead a committee that Mr.
Barksdale and Mr. Sleeper would form, and that the this committee would conduct the audit
themselves instead of professional services, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Snead, for the reappropriation of
funds as follows: $199.67 to Clerk of Court-Copier Lease (100-4-021600-60051), $500.00 to
Sheriff-DARE Supplies (100-4-031200-6002), $655.54 to Sheriff-Petty Cash (100-4-031200-
6028), $60.00 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030), $359.10 to Sheriff-Canine (100-4-
031200-6045), $4.00 to Volunteer Fire Department (VFD)-United Way Contributions (100-4-
032200-5567), $778.17 to Jail-Extradition (100-4-033100-5550), $15,512.99 to WIA-Rent
(251-4-353160-5420), $5,441.00 to Solid Waste Collections-Maintenance (520-4-042300-
3310). This motion required a 10-Day Layover.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Harville, to amend the
Commonwealth Attorney’s Restricted Seizure Fund budget and appropriate $10,000.00 to line
item 243-4-022200-6010. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr.
Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Barber-Yes; and
Mr. Ecker-Yes. Mr. Snead’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to advertise and set the
required public hearing for March 19, 2013 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R.
Shield Courthouse Addition at 7:00pm to amend in order to make wording clarifications to the
Solid Waste Fee in Chapter 17 of the Pittsylvania County Code. Mr. Harville asked that these
clarifications included changing the wording “timely manner” in Section 17.17 to the actual
due date and that instead of referring it, to add the actual 10% penalty rate to the ordinance,
which the County Attorney agreed would be included in the changes. Mr. Barber’s motion was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to advertise and set the
required public hearing for March 19, 2013 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R.
Shield Courthouse Addition at 7:00pm for amendments to Section 22.1(C)(1) of Chapter 22-
Compensation, of the Pittsylvania County Code to bring reimbursement and travel substance
into accordance with the County’s updated Policies and Procedures. Mr. Snead’s motion was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to appoint Mr. Snead as
the local government representative to the Community Policy Management Team, which was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Board Announcements
Ms. Bowman announced there would be a meeting of the Capital Improvements Plan
Subcommittee on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 2:00pm.
Closed Session
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Barber, to enter into Closed
Session in the Alternate Circuit Courtroom for the following:
Discussion of promotions, demotions, salaries of specific employees which such
evaluation will necessarily involve discussion of the performance of specific
Authority: 2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as
Subject Matter: County Administration Personnel
Purpose: Discussion of promotions/demotions
The Board unanimously approved entering into Closed Session as 7:52pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Barber, to return to Open Session.
Regular Meeting
March 4, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Regular Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors on Monday, March 4, 2013 the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to
the best of each board member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted
from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified
in the motion authorizing the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered in the closed
meeting. If any member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code,
he shall so state prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall
be recorded in the minutes of the Board.
Jerry A. Hagerman Yes
Brenda Bowman Yes
Marshall Ecker Yes
Coy E. Harville Yes
James H. Snead Yes
Jessie L. Barksdale Yes
Tim R. Barber No
Mr. Barber stated that he felt the discussion in Closed Session deviated from the reason Closed
Session was called.
The Board returned to Open Session at 8:46pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Barksdale, consider a Grade 20
Classification for the Director of Finances, on Step N, the County pay scale equaling that, from
$64,494.99 to $82,123.00. The Board unanimously approved Ms. Snead’s motion.
Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Snead, to change the
salary of Mr. Greg Sides, and also who is the Assistant County Administrator, from a Grade 17
N to a Grade 20 O, a pay scale from $64,494.99 to $82,123.00, and to finance these required
increases, Mr. Hagerman further moved that the Board of Supervisors to eliminate the
Department of Economic Development effective immediately.
After discussion, Ms. Bowman made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Barksdale,
that Mr. Hagerman’s motion be split and that the Board should vote on them separately so
that the Board would vote on one to approve Mr. Side’s reclassification and one to eliminate
the Department of Economic Development. There would be two votes.
After discussion on the substitute motion, Mr. Barber called for the question to stop the
debate, which was approved by a 5-2 majority vote of the Board, with Ms. Bowman and Mr.
Ecker in opposition.
The Board then voted on Ms. Bowman’s substitute motion to vote on the
reclassification of the Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development as one
issue, and to vote separately on Mr. Hagerman’s motion to immediately eliminate the
Department of Economic Development. Ms. Bowman’s substitute motion failed by a 4-3
majority vote of the Board, with Mr. Hagerman, Mr. Snead, Mr. Harville and Mr. Barber in
opposition of the substitute motion. Ms. Bowman then made a substitute motion to enter into
Closed Session to discuss the matter, which was seconded by Mr. Barksdale.
After discussion, Ms. Bowman amended her substitute motion to postpone the matter
until Mr. Kenneth Bowman, Director of Economic Development, could be present during the
discussions, which Mr. Barksdale seconded. Ms. Bowman’s substitute motion failed by a 4-3
majority vote of the Board, with Mr. Hagerman, Mr. Snead, Mr. Harville, and Mr. Barber
opposing the substitute motion.
The following Roll Call Vote was recorded the main motion made by Mr. Hagerman to
reclassify the salary of Mr. Greg Sides, and also who is the Assistant County Administrator,
from a Grade 17 N to a Grade 20 O, a pay scale from $64,494.99 to $82,123.00, and to finance
these required increases, Mr. Hagerman further moved that the Board of Supervisors to
eliminate the Department of Economic Development effective immediately: Mr. Barksdale-
No; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-No; Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes;
and Mr. Ecker-No. Mr. Hagerman’s motion passed by a 4-3 majority vote of the Board, with
Mr. Barksdale, Ms. Bowman and Mr. Ecker opposing.
Regular Meeting
March 4, 2013
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Harville, to adjourn, which was
unanimously approved by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 9:47pm.
Marshall A. Ecker, Chairman
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
William D. Sleeper, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors