December 11, 2012
VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania Counry Boaxd of Zoning Appeals met on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, in the General
District Courtroom, Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addirion, Chatham, Virguua. Mz. Talbott called the meeting to
ordex at approzciinately 7:00 pm. Mr. Easley gave the invocanon. Ivfr. Shelton called the roll.
Kenneth Talbott
Larry Estes
Helen Glass
Carcoll Yeaman
H. Blau Reynolds
R. Allan Easley
Ronald Merricks
Karen Hayes
Odie H. Shelton, Jr.
By morion of Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Estes, and by unanimous vote the Minutes of the Novembex 13, 2012,
meering were approved as presented.
Old Business
Thexe was no old business.
New Business
Ms. Hayes reponed these were no cases fox the January 2013 Cycle.
There was no Chaimian's zeport.
approximately 7:02 p.m.
Case S-1 Stanley & Viclde Mut�hp 5-12-018 — Mr. Talbott opened the public hearing at appro�zimately 7:03 p.m.
Ms. Hayes, Deputy Zoning Adminisuatox, ieported Stanley and Vickie Murphy had peddoned for a Special Use
Pernvt on 25 feet x�1 feet (1,275 square feet), located on State Road 665/Rockfard School Road, in the Scaunton
River Election District fox construcdon of a 194 foot telecommunications towex, monopole design, with a five (5)
foot lightning xod, with a 12 feet x 20 feet (240 squue feet) equipment shelter, within a Eenced 25 feet x 51 feet (1,275
squaze feet) compound for Verizon Wireless. Ms. Hayes fiirther reported [he Planning Commission, with no
opposition, xecommended granting the peddonex's tequest. Lori Schweller and Clare Novak were present to
Boazd of Zoning Appeals
December 11, 2012
Page 2
repxesent the petirion. Ms. Schweller stated [here would be 12 antennas on the tower and the towex would be located
at the xeaz of 59 acres. She furthez stated this was a heavily wooded area and that access to the tower would be only
acxoss pxoperties owned by the Murphy's. The Board asked sevexal questions xegazcling the covexage azea and Ms.
Novak zesponded. Thexe was no opposirion to the pedrion. Ms. Talbott closed the public hearing at appxowmately
7:09 p.m. The Boacd discussed the petirion as the Commitree of the Whole and determuied there wexe no adverse
effects. During the discussion it was stated this tower could onl�• have a good efEect for the area. Upon motion of
Iv�. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Easley, the following morion was adopted: Whereas, Stanley E. and Vickie Murphy
have peddoned the Planning Commission and Boazd oE Zoning Appeals, on Octobex 2�, 2012, fox a Special Use
Pemut for a 194 Eoot telecommunicadons tower plus ground rod and, Wheteas, we find no substandal detriment to
adjacent pzoperty, that the chazacter of the zoning district will not be changed [hereby, and that such use will be in
harmony with [he purpose and intent of the Oxclinance, I move the Special Use Permit be granted. Motion passed
Case S-2. Jack Mocgan Mason. Life Tenant, and Others, S-12-019 — Ivlr. Talbott opened the public hearing at
appxozcimately 7:13 p.m. Ms. Hayes, Deputy Zoning Adnvnistrator, reported Jack Morgan Mason, Life Tenant, and
Others had petitioned for a Special Use Permit on 3.10 acres, located on State Road 764/Azalea Drive, in the
Staunton Rivex Election District for placement of a single-wide mobile home fox the grandson's zesidence to assist
with theu care. Ms. Hayes furthex xeported the Planning Commission, urith no opposition, xecommended gxandng
the petitioners' xequest Caxolyn Wyatt and Kevin Bennett were present to repzesent the perinon. Ms. �G'yatt stated
both Mr. and i�Irs. Mason weze very eldexly. She stated hex son presently lived in Gxe[na and came each day to help
with their care. Her son now wanted to relocate his home next doar to the grandparents. It was further stated this
home would be on a sepazate pazcel from the grandparents' home. There was no opposition to the peridon. Mi.
Talbott closed the public hearing at approximately 7:15 pm. The Boaid discussed the pednon as the Coinnuttee of
the Whole and determined thexe wexe no advexse effects. During the discussion it was stated this was a remote area
and there were othex mobile homes in the uea. It was fiuther stated this family was very well thought of in the
communiry. Upon motion of Mr. Estes, seconded by 1�. Easley, the following motion was adopted: Whereas, Jack
Moxgan Mason, LiEe Tenant and Ezleen Mason, I.ife Tenant have peddoned the Board of Zoning Appeals fox a
Special Use Permit for placement of a single-wide mobile home fox the grandson's residence and, Whereas, we find
no subs[antial detsiment to adjacent property, that the chazacter of the zoning district will not be changed theceby,
and that such use will be in harcnony with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance, I move the Special Use Permit be
gtanted. Motion passed unanimous.
This concludes the Special Use Cases.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:20 p.m.
Kenneth Talbott, Chairman
Hannah R. Orgain, Clexk